Saturday, January 18, 2014

Peace be Still...

In my existence, I've experienced grief, pain, betrayal, deceit, loss etc! But, nothing quite compares to the element of peace that I have been able to cling to that transcends over "those troubled waters"...

Truth is, "life is gonna happen". It is an inevitable reality that things WILL happen in our lives that we have no control over. Natural disasters, crime, illness, or economic distress are just some of the in- explainable occurrences that can arise . Although these unforeseen events come our way, we have control over our reaction and how we choose to deal with it...Perspective is Everything.

As I have matured, accepting the unexplainable has become easier. I am able to inhale, exhale, accept things as they are and move on! Worry is not an option anymore.

In contrast however, the immature mindset dwells on circumstances. It ponders on the why me? Why now? It dampens perception and reacts to emotional triggers. It does not search for options to make things better. These very attributes contribute to negativity and blocks the possibility for peace & growth (the beautiful things in life).

I think of it like this: no matter what happens in the day, the sun will ALWAYS rise, so don't trouble yourself with worrying or looking for something to fight about--"choose your battles". Nothing is too hard or impossible to overcome. Metaphorical waves of life may come crashing, but the water always calms.

I'm reminded of  this lesson of peace from the parable when Jesus calms the storm. Jesus and his disciples set forth to go over to the other side of a lake, so they got into a boat and set out (Luke 8:22). As they sailed, Jesus fell asleep and the torment of the sea threatened the ship. The disciples were frightened as the winds blew hard and the boat was swamped. In fear and worry, the disciples went to Jesus and said "we're going to drown" Jesus woke up and calmed the wind and raging waters, and then all was calm...(just like that!) He turned and looked at everyone and asked his disciples, "where is your faith". Haha! Jesus was a "G".

The mental image that plays in my head of this story is a group of  frightened men hollering and pacing in a crowded boat under a gray stormy sky and this one man (Jesus) in the cut, just worries! LOL

I absolutely love this story! It reminds me to be calm and remember who the master of the stormy seas is and who is the master of the torrential winds...therefore, no matter what the atmosphere is looking like, no matter what situations may occur, remember who my peace is, call on Him, and have faith of the unseen that things will get better.

[Peace is one of my most favored traits. I try to function by it in all I do and  I admire people who have peaceful dispositions.]

Here is a song to go with this all. Its one of my favorite. It has an old gospel sound to it, but the message is relevant:

James Cleveland "Peace be Still:

Verse 1
Master, the tempest is raging.
The billows are tossing high.
The sky is o'er shadowed with blackness,
no shelter or help is nigh.
Carest Thou not that we perish?
How canst Thou lie asleep,
when each moment so madly is threat-ning,
a grave in the angry deep?

The winds and the waves
shall obey my will, peace be still.
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea
or demons, or men, or whatever it be.
No water can swallow the ship where lies
the Master of ocean and earth and skies;
they shall sweetly obey my will,
peace be still, peace be still.
They all shall sweetly obey my will;
peace, peace be still.